Rating: 1 - Dec 12, 2021

Mandate Nazi Manager

I like many others had chosen to do shopping and getting haircuts before the Monday mandate madness was to start. On Saturday I went into Great Clips in Greece New York and the mask Nazi manager yelled where is your mask. I was unprepared for the nonsense since it was not Monday and taken aback by being treated like something she found on the bottom of her shoe that needed to be scraped off. That is no way to treat a long-term faithful customer. God bless my hairdresser Angie but I'd much rather pay more money to get a haircut from an establishment that treats me better. The legality of these mandates are being fought both locally and federally. Not every customer will be the docile and submissive type so coming from someone who herself had been a manager before; she had better rethink her personal demeanor when addressing a customer. 1180 am talk show host Shannon Joy on her Facebook will name establishments that stand for freedom instead of orwellian 1984 behavior. I'll frequent them