Rating: 1 - Jun 7, 2021

Nightmare trim..

Communication, Professionalism, Quality I went in for a trim wanted 3 inches, Joel said I needed at 5 inches so I said that's okay it would leave above my mid back and shoulders; I could then still wear it up. I reminded him that it's curly, he said he understood, then proceeded to mutalate my hair by putting in short layers I never asked for bc it mushrooms your curly hair out as he fully knows, but bc he was frustrated and having a bad day he decided to do everything wrong by cutting over 12 inches in leangth. Joel cut my hair into a bob after I said! "I DO NOT WANT TO CUT MY HAIR SHORT. NO BOBS, NO PIXIE CUTS, NO MULLETS! JUST A TRIM!" Joel then cut my hair into a uneven bob to the bottom of my kneck line, I wanted to get up when I noticed him going short asked what are you doing? He said matching your hair to your bangs! I said, I don't want my long hair matched to my bangs stop! I had gone in to either get bangs or grow them out from being over processed, he said better to grow.