Lance Lappin Poor Service
I am outraged at the poor management- incompetence and uncaring attitude of the salon owner and reception schedulers who also take payments. Several mishaps transpired without apology or any compensation from the owner . 1) The salon lost a check for my service & that of 6 others . They demanded that we bring in another check - with no apology for what happened 2) They repeatedly charged me incorrect amounts for services that had to be corrected 3) Today I learned they never booked an appointment for my color I made or canceled the one I asked them to cancel. I spent a long time with my stylist last week at the reception scheduling desk arranging this and waited to speak to the stylist quite a while to make arrangements. The owner never called to apologize and did nor offer to compensate me with a reduced price for future service etc . I was told they could book me the following day - the day I have plans for my birthday .