I had high-hopes for attending Blanche Macdonald as in general their reputation is positive, and I’ve seen some incredible work from students, past and present. However, upon attending I am unfortunately disappointed and appalled, and would recommend attending cheaper options for hair and makeup courses such as VCC.
I was in the Professional Hairstyling program, more specifically the ITA program a while back, this is relevant as the instructor for that program conducts herself in a manner that is appallingly unprofessional and outdated. The first day of classes she openly mocked her former students for “getting fat” over the course of the program, and reminded us to not each too much during lunch to avoid this.
Then there was the treatment of COVID-19 standards being frankly, reprehensible. Our teacher enforced a seating plan in the middle of a pandemic, when I was attempting to sit within my bubble of two students who I was close friends with I was told I was being disrespectful and forced to move despite expressing concerns to more than one staff member about this; I was ignored. I had a client in for a colour exam who complained about the lack of following standards, as due to the seating plan I was required to sit next to student who had been out of the province multiple times and was talking about it very loudly in the salon. Again I brought my concerns about too numerous members of staff as this incident caused me to lose a client because it made them so uncomfortable and again, was ignored. This seating plan continued until the end of the year, even in the case of being in very small classrooms.